You think you've got a friend forever. A friend that will keep you entertained whenever you need. Whenever your waiting for that bus, or having to do that fucking research in the library for that essay you couldnt give a shit about. When ever you feel wierdly happy just because the sun is shining for the first time in 3 weeks, they'll make you feel like somebody else cares. Not to mention that fact that their fucking beautiful, and their soft curves feel so good to touch.
And then they go and fucking break. The wheel stops working so you cant scroll through its fine selection of music anymore. Then you cant even turn it on, and when you finally manage to turn it on through frantic rubbing and hammering of their buttons, you cant fucking turn it off again. And why do they do this, because there arrogant, shallow and stubburn. Just because you didnt listen to it for 3 days, it aint gonna work. Just because you forgot to take it on your two week holiday to greece, there gonna be awkward. Your Ipod isnt gonna be the nice friend anymore. Well fuck you iPod, im allowed a life outside of you. I cant have you blarring your impeccable taste of music down my head all day long. Your starting to control everything i do. And when i dont include you once, you do this. You fucking break. You can t keep acting like this. It ruining me. I cant do it anymore, i really cant. its gonna be hard, but ive got to do this. Im sorry iPod, but im not going to buy another one of you, not this time.